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Pay Bill by phone   1-859-437-8015

Winchester Municipal Utilities is currently working to identify the material of all the service lines serving customers in our system.

Based upon a recent inventory conducted by WMU, some customers have been notified that the drinking water service line leading to their residence is currently of an unknown material.  Service lines installed before 1988 were sometimes made of lead, so there is the potential that some service lines in our service area are made of lead.   If you received such notification, then we ask that you complete the survey below to help us determine the material of your service line.

For more information about why we are doing this and how to identify the material on your own, check out  or  If you have any questions or concerns about your drinking water, please do not hesitate to contact WMU at (859) 744-5434.

Telephone Hours

Office Hours 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. (Monday-Friday) at (859) 744-5434

Pay Bill over the phone: 859-437-8015

After Hours or Holidays at (859) 744-6582


7:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Office Hours

The WMU Lobby is open Monday-Friday
7:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Transfer Station/ Solid Waste

Call for hours

WMU Commissioners
  • Jimmy Powell, Chairman
  • Billy Vanicek, Vice-Chairman
  • John Omohundro, Treasurer
  • William Baker, Secretary
  • Tiffany Rank, Commissioner
WMU Legal Counsel
  • John H. Rompf, White, McCann & Stewart
Ex-officio Commissioners
  • Hon. JoEllen Reed, Mayor, City of Winchester
WMU Management
  • Kyle Raney, General Manager
  • Jennifer Sparks, Director of Accounting & Finance
  • Joy Lewis, Director of Administration
WMU Commission Meetings

The WMU Commission meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m., 150 North Main Street.

BUD Program

WMU participates in BUD (Before U Dig), the one-stop, underground utility locating service.  Call BUD to have all underground utilities located.

One call “Before U Dig” will save you time, money, and problems down the road.

Call BUD