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At this time the transfer station can only accept Cash or Check.
Transfer Station Drop off

Winchester Municipal Utilities residential solid waste customers providing evidence of current paid account and personal identification may dispose of solid waste generated at their residential service address at the transfer station at no additional cost. No contractors will be permitted to dispose of any debris at no charge.

Residential customers that are unable to provide evidence of a current paid account and personal identification shall be charged according to the fees assessed for non-residential and non-WMU solid waste customers.

All contractors, non-residential and non-WMU solid waste customers shall be charged the following fees for solid waste disposal at the transfer station:

  • Compactable, non-compactable, and bagged trash will be charged $60.00 per ton.
  • Construction/demolition debris will be charged $125.00 per ton.
  • $10.00 Minimum charge.
Curbit Rates
Residential – $37.89 Monthly  –  Includes
  • 1 pickup per week Solid Waste
  • 1 pickup per week Recycling
  • 1 pickup per week – Boom Truck (large item)
  • 20 cubic yards per Month at Transfer Station
Commercial – $  2.18 Rental per curbit
  • $40.21 Monthly Pickup – 2 pickups per week
  • $ 4.78 per additional curbits picked up above 2 each week
Yard Waste
$18.23 per year – Charged annually on bill due in May
Yard Waste is collected April through November of each year
To obtain a Yard Waste curbit call 859-744-1170
No credits given for un-used months
Multi-family Residential Establishments

Residential establishments with six (6) or more units may contact the

Solid Waste Department at 859-744-1170 for rates

Frontload Containers
Commercial, Industrial, and other Non-Residential
Minimum Monthly Charge of $40.01 per month
Container Size


per month

Pickup Charge

per pickup

6 yard (6w x 5 1/2 d x 6t) $23.88 $26.25
8 yard (6 1/2w x 6 1/2 d x 6 1/2 t) $31.83 $30.77

Roll-Off Containers

Container Size


per month

Pickup Charge

per pickup

20 yard (7w x 4t x 22 Long) $106.09 $169.74
30 yard (7w x 6t x 22 Long) $147.21 $245.39
40 yard (7w x 8t x 22 Long) $212.18 $339.49